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Installing vite-plugin-dotenvx is easy. Simply pull it in via your package manager of choice.

npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# npm i -d vite-plugin-dotenvx
bun install --dev vite-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# bun add --dev vite-plugin-dotenvx
# bun i -d vite-plugin-dotenvx
pnpm add --save-dev vite-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# pnpm i -d vite-plugin-dotenvx
yarn add --dev vite-plugin-dotenvx

# or, install via
# yarn i -d vite-plugin-dotenvx

Basic Usage

This minimal usage example shows how to use vite-plugin-dotenvx in your Vite configuration, using the plugin's default settings.

// vite.config.{js,ts}
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import dotenvx from 'vite-plugin-dotenvx'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    vue(), // svelte(), react(), ...

With this minimal configuration, the plugin will automatically:

  1. Look for a .env file in your project root
  2. Decrypt any encrypted variables using keys from .env.keys
  3. Load the environment variables into your Vite development server

To read about the more elaborate usage API, check out the usage page in our documentation.

Released under the MIT License.